Excellent. Lots of wisdom here. Very much on the same page. I agree with the Jenga/straw-that-breaks the-camels-back analogy (or "threshold theory" as my friend Sela Weave calls it https://www.selahcounseling.cloud/blog/the-threshold-theory-of-embodied-experience ). Agree many miss the link with [chronic] stress/fear and the immune system suppression [why I was somewhat frustrated with the fear mongering campaign approach to covid, which just made people more susceptible. Well done to you guest for recovering from Lyme.
Great stuff! Much self reflection and food for thought!
Excellent. Lots of wisdom here. Very much on the same page. I agree with the Jenga/straw-that-breaks the-camels-back analogy (or "threshold theory" as my friend Sela Weave calls it https://www.selahcounseling.cloud/blog/the-threshold-theory-of-embodied-experience ). Agree many miss the link with [chronic] stress/fear and the immune system suppression [why I was somewhat frustrated with the fear mongering campaign approach to covid, which just made people more susceptible. Well done to you guest for recovering from Lyme.