Avoiding things mentally is not possible because avoiding is attention and everything getting attention will grow (bigger, better, on more terrains etc etc etc)
You are never free when there is a need to avoid whatever you choose to.
I am a remedial teacher, an autodidactic one, and I work alone. I tried to find some collegeas for years but failed.
My way of working starts with telling my students have rights and I have duties. I am responsible for their failing, if they would fail, which in thirty years never happened, only me, and even not their parents, is responsible. The parents are now free to build a new positive contact to their children, and that is far more important than everything else, in my believe.
I start with looking at the successes of my students and the more happier and enthousiastic they are about those, the more important they are to me to work with, because my students are going to study whatever they want and they need during the rest of their lives. The are going from completly lost/almost imprisioned to people who want to learn to do something they like in life. And that is not difficult. To me.
Because I only look for talents, desires, knowledges and whatever else you can think of, that are going to help my student reaching their goals.
Of course lots of spiritual matters occur on their way/on our way. Problems. Big Small (non)existing(?)...
They have one thing in common: they will be brought up by my students, and so the moment and focus is always in the right direction: because it is THEIR direction.
The student are my guide. I cannot guide them on their spiritual growing. Nobody can. They guide me on their spiritual development, and I can tell them what I know if they need it, but most of the time just my 'ok, sounds good!' Or 'well thinking!!' will do it all. And the fact that I am there for them when they need it 24/7 which only one student in 30 years really used for I guess three minutes of my time once around midnight... they know their direction... because I didn't ruin it by taking over, instead supporting it by letting them guide me.
I guess this is also working for all other spirtual not wanted 'states of minds' if there is something like I wish to whatever what is left in the mind of the person you want to learn to guide himself to a life this person thinks is worthwhile living
Avoiding things mentally is not possible because avoiding is attention and everything getting attention will grow (bigger, better, on more terrains etc etc etc)
You are never free when there is a need to avoid whatever you choose to.
I am a remedial teacher, an autodidactic one, and I work alone. I tried to find some collegeas for years but failed.
My way of working starts with telling my students have rights and I have duties. I am responsible for their failing, if they would fail, which in thirty years never happened, only me, and even not their parents, is responsible. The parents are now free to build a new positive contact to their children, and that is far more important than everything else, in my believe.
I start with looking at the successes of my students and the more happier and enthousiastic they are about those, the more important they are to me to work with, because my students are going to study whatever they want and they need during the rest of their lives. The are going from completly lost/almost imprisioned to people who want to learn to do something they like in life. And that is not difficult. To me.
Because I only look for talents, desires, knowledges and whatever else you can think of, that are going to help my student reaching their goals.
Of course lots of spiritual matters occur on their way/on our way. Problems. Big Small (non)existing(?)...
They have one thing in common: they will be brought up by my students, and so the moment and focus is always in the right direction: because it is THEIR direction.
The student are my guide. I cannot guide them on their spiritual growing. Nobody can. They guide me on their spiritual development, and I can tell them what I know if they need it, but most of the time just my 'ok, sounds good!' Or 'well thinking!!' will do it all. And the fact that I am there for them when they need it 24/7 which only one student in 30 years really used for I guess three minutes of my time once around midnight... they know their direction... because I didn't ruin it by taking over, instead supporting it by letting them guide me.
I guess this is also working for all other spirtual not wanted 'states of minds' if there is something like I wish to whatever what is left in the mind of the person you want to learn to guide himself to a life this person thinks is worthwhile living