It’s been a while since my last update, and in that time, I’ve been fortunate to welcome a substantial number of new subscribers. To all of you who’ve recently joined and those who have been here longer, thank you for being part of this journey. Today, I want to share some updates about why I’m mainly staying off the net right now and give you a glimpse of what’s ahead in 2025.
This post is an extension of The Future of RARE SENSE from April 2024. At that time, I decided to discontinue paid subscriptions to avoid the constraints of a rigid publishing schedule. Staying true to my guiding principle of quality over quantity, I want RARE SENSE to remain a thoughtful and evolving body of work—not content churned out merely to justify repeated payments. I’d consider offering a one-time fee for lifetime access, but Substack’s structure doesn’t currently support that model. On a personal note, I’ve also grown increasingly disillusioned with the subscription economy as a whole. Nowadays, everything—from music to software—is about endless renting rather than ownership. But I digress…
Additionally, this platform presents some limitations that make it less than ideal for what I envision. For instance, I can’t reorganize the existing pieces into a preferred sequence, which would make it more accessible to readers. Maybe one day I’ll move everything somewhere where I could do that. Until then, the best option is to keep it all here as a largely fixed but free resource.
My primary focus now is completing my upcoming book, a project I’m deeply invested in. Apparently, 2025 is the year of the brain, which seems like auspicious timing for its release. My goal is to present the core ideas of RARE SENSE in a concise, structured, and actionable format. I’m about three to six months away from finishing and dedicating the time needed to deliver something truly impactful. Once the book is complete, I’ll return to Substack to finish the mind-killer article series and evaluate next steps. For now, I encourage you to explore the archives. Much of what defines RARE SENSE is already waiting for you in over a hundred articles, training posts, book recommendations, and podcast episodes.
In other news, I co-hosted a one-day workshop called The Mindful Athlete at CrossFit New England with Ben Bergeron and the CompTrain team this past November. With a small group, we explored foundational concepts and practices for mind fitness, including meditation and breathing. It was an inspiring experience that reinforced the importance of this work. Additionally, I’m being featured in a series of interviews on their Chasing Excellence podcast, diving deep into the mind-killers. I highly recommend checking those out.
Lastly, I’ve decided to suspend the RARE SENSE Podcast indefinitely. As the Communications Director for the Navy SEAL Foundation, I now host On the X, a weekly broadcast that leaves me little bandwidth for a second show. This was a tough decision, but I had to make it.
I sincerely appreciate your patience as I navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. RARE SENSE continues to evolve as an idea and a company, and I’m excited about the future. Thank you for being here. Your support makes all the difference, and the best is yet to come.
DISCLAIMER: RARE SENSE® content is not medical advice. Nor does it represent the official position or opinions of any other organization or person. If you require diagnosis or treatment for a mental or physical issue or illness, please seek it from a licensed professional.
I learned about Rare Sense when I heard you on Chasing Excellence. I look forward to digging into the archives here, reading the book once it's finished and available, and listening to more appearances on Chasing Excellence(?).
Looking forward to our next round, Chris!